
Denture Types

There are different types of dentures, but not every pair is suitable for everyone. Read on to learn about the different kinds of dentures available.

Traditional dentures

These are a complete set of false teeth held in the mouth by passive retention.

The initial steps to creating an individual pair begins with a set of impressions taken of the gums after tooth extraction. From these, dentures can be precisely  created.

Typically, patients who choose to have a traditional denture in this situation rely on an adhesive or pastes to keep the dentures in place.

Over denture

These dentures are attached to either two common dental implants, or to two mini-implants fitted into the gum. It is usually more stable, and utilises the surface are of your palate to help keep the teeth in place.

Supported implants

These are not technically a type of denture, but instead act like a fixed bridge. Typically, four to six dental implants are placed on the upper and lower arch of the jawline. The denture hybrid is actually fixed within the implants in the mouth.

Supported implants are often regarded as the most stable option for patients, and, unlike the previous options, are not removed overnight. However, due to their complex nature and the amount of dental implants necessary to support them, supported implants are also the most expensive option.

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